Writing a resume, cover letter or business content are just a few of those tasks that, though we all understand we must do – don’t always get the full attention they require and deserve. What we may fail to realize, however, is that our Resume, Cover Letters and now, more than ever, our LinkedIn profiles are the most important, and critical, tools we possess in the progression of our careers. And, great content can also be some of the most important, and critical, tools we possess in the progression of brand awareness and relevancy.

This is where I come in. With an academic background in communications and professional experience in Resume Writing, Executive Recruitment, Social Media and Community Management, I am uniquely qualified to assess your experience and content from both sides of the coin. Working collaboratively with you to draft the kind of Professional Portfolio and/or Creative Content that WILL get YOU noticed!

I'd like to start by offering you a complimentary review of your current documents or content strategy to help assess the areas of opportunity! A free, no-risk, no-commitment service that will help us work together to craft the perfect project for YOUR needs!

Strativo Solutions

350 Queens Quay, Toronto, ON, M5V 3A7

(647) 965 - 3849


Strativo Solutions

There’s no shame in starting small when you’re laying the foundation for something great. That’s precisely what we’re doing. We’ll share more when we’re ready, so check back with us soon.